

Where Have I Been?

It feels like a million years since I put up a blog post (maybe it has to do with it actually feeling like a million years Gemma?).

Honestly guys that is what it had felt like to me but I just need to some time away from the blogging world. Especially with me focusing heavily on love life on this blog I just wasn’t in the mood to share about how wrong I got it once again, that along with worrying about my Instagram theme and the quality of pictures I need some time to clear my head. 

As I previously mentioned in my blog post 'Where is My Mojo?' I have been working full time and my daily commute was roughly four and bit hours per day. That combined with life in general. I just wasn't in the best place to write. I started being really self-critical and started comparing my work with other bloggers. Established and upcoming individuals who I felt had much better content. I was just being really hard on myself.

One thing I’ve learned about myself over the years is when things aren’t going well for me in one aspect I am ten times harder on myself in other aspects of my life. Hence the slightly intended but unintended prolonged break from blogging.

So what has been happening with me? 

My contract in my role has now finished, I think I may have upset a friend that I was close too and I'm not too sure exactly what went wrong. Maybe between trying to plan for the, living arrangements, that kind of thing and oh seeing a new guy, I probably dropped the ball on my friendship. 

So when things didn’t really work liked I thought they would with the guy it was quite hard for me to handle with everything else. I have just realise amongst the adventure of my life there is always seems to be a guy thrown in but I guess that happens when you are a hopeless romantic, right?

I might tell you more about guy situation later depending on how this post goes and how I feel. 

One thing they don't tell you about adult life is how hard it can be at times. Especially when you are trying to keep up with new and old friendships, establish a career that allows you to earn a living to enjoy life and then you throw in romantic relationships as well then I start to feel like a failing clown who just can't get the trick of juggling! 
I have got to the point where I am honest enough to admit that I did drop the ball on this friendship but if we are meant to stay friends then it will work itself out with time.

With my role on season 2 of Netflix's The Crown finished, it is now time to start job searching for a new equally fulfilling position. If period dramas with fantastic costumes happen to be your thing then I would definitely recommend it. I may be biased but honestly guys it is worth watching. 

As a twenty-something woman I am in a place where I would love to own my own place but trying to do so in London is ex-pen-sive! 
I am still trying to work out just how I can eventually do this whilst living a Carrie Bradshaw inspired life. It may be on a lemonade budget but if it worked for Carrie I'm sure it will work for me too. What is that saying again? Fake until you make it *huge grin emoji*. 

Now onto the guy. Some of my readers might remember I went through a phase with dating apps and I wrote about some of my experiences in previous posts here and here

Around November last year I decided to give them another chance and this time around I didn't have any expectations and was actually hoping to meet some weirdos as it would give me something to write about! 

Luckily, I met someone who was relatively normal, and I genuinely liked him and I would like to think the feeling was mutual, sadly things didn't work out. And without painting anyone in a negative light, let's just say certain choices were made and half-truths were told which caused some hurt. 

So after taking some time to lick my wounds and finish work I am now in a place where I can breathe for a little while. All this free time also allows me to focus on my blog again. I have to admit I have really missed my little space on the Internet.

I am not going to make any forced promises about being back for good or anything but I will say I am ready to start writing again.

Gemma Ama x

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